Effective Methods to Remove Holi Colour Stains from Clothes
The easiest way to remove colorful stains from your clothes is by not getting any color on them in the first place. Just kidding! However, those vibrant color stains are bound to find their way onto your clothes because it’s Holi time!
Maybe you’re someone who sets aside older clothes just for this special occasion, or perhaps you’re one of those individuals who prefer to stay indoors but still manage to get splashed with colors at the office or while traveling, leading to your new clothes getting ruined.
If you’ve experienced this issue and are searching for how to remove color stains from clothes without damaging the fabric or resorting to strenuous methods like hours of brushing, then know that you’re not alone.
Methods for Removing Holi Colors
1. Bleach: If your clothes are white, simply soak them in hot water with bleach powder. Wash and dry them separately to prevent the color from spreading to other garments.
2. White Vinegar: Mix a cup of white vinegar and a teaspoon of detergent powder in cold water in a bucket. The acidic properties of vinegar work wonders in removing color from your clothes.
3. Lemon Juice: The natural acidity of lemon helps break down color stains. Soak the stained areas in lemon juice for half an hour and gently rub them with your hands. Then, wash them as usual, but separately.
4. Professional Cleaners: If you’re still struggling to get rid of Holi colors from your clothes, consider hiring expert laundry cleaners near you.
How to Deal with Stubborn Holi Colors
Wash the splashed clothes as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the harder it becomes to remove the colors. For non-washable clothes, take them to a dry cleaning store like Washmart for effective stain removal.
Most of the chemical solvents used to remove stains can be harsh on your hands when washing clothes manually. Wear gloves and use a soft toothbrush to apply the chemicals at home.
Avoid mixing stained and unstained clothes, and never combine two different stain removal products simultaneously. Some color stains are tough and require extra effort to remove.
Thoroughly rinse the treated clothes to remove all traces of the chemicals. Avoid using chlorine bleach on colored clothes, as it can bleach the original color of the fabric.
These tips mentioned above are both effective and safe for removing Holi colors from your clothes. By following these methods, you can keep your garments as vibrant and happy as you are. May this Holi season bring joy and color into your life. For professional laundry and dry cleaning services, get in touch with Washmart laundry stores near you.